This summer seems to have passed with amazing speed. This year we opened the gallery on 6 April - it seems only yesterday - and on Friday we closed after a busy season. We've met some amazing people this summer - visitors with their own unique stories to tell - a small glimpse of inspirational lives. We always learn so much from those that come into the gallery and share their lives with us. It's also an opportunity to catch up with old friends who visit the island every year - to exchange family news and see children, and grand-children, growing and blossoming.
We'll be spending the next few months visiting family and friends, experimenting with work and sourcing supplies. It's a tough job but someone has to do it!!!
I must have been destined to be a shop keeper. One of my favourite games, as a small boy, was to use our piano as my own retail outlet and the piano stool as a counter. My meagre takings were kept in the tray under the stool lid. On the few occasions I needed to slip away on personal business, I displayed a small card on the stool which read "CLOSD". At least our current sign outside the gallery is spelt correctly!!!
I must add - for the fullness of the record - that the card which you displayed saying CLOSD was actually a Monopoly card ( I think it was a Community Chest card, which would be strangely appropriate) with your written ign on the blank reverse side. Makes the whole thing even more endearing and quirky!
Posted by: Sue Armstrong | April 16, 2012 at 11:37 PM